Feeding myself whilst feeling rubbish

I have a pretty healthy diet, eating lots of fresh fruit,vegetables, protein and good fats. So, what’s happened over the last five days? The worst cold I’ve had in years!

What appetite I’ve had I’ve just craved junk foods and carbs.

Apparently, there are several reasons why we turn to junk food when feeling poorly. The body needs fast and easy forms of energy to start healing itself, and carbs. give our immune system the additional glucose to help fight off infection.

That’s OK then, I obviously needed all that junk, or did I?

I think probably not, especially when I read a comment by Nutrition Coach Joe Selby.

“You crave junk food when you feel under the weather for the same reason I want to watch the original Star Wars – because we feel crappy and want to feel better”

So enough, I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself and get back on track, although I really didn’t feel like cooking.

What could be easier than a stir fry? As I needed some fruit I decided to go to my local Marks and Spencer’s store, where I’ve taken clients when they’ve needed quick meal ideas.

I bought the stir fry meal deal, wild salmon, rice noodles, and aromatic vegetables, I gave the sauce that came with the ‘deal’ a miss as I prefer just a dash of Tamari.

Adding extra red pepper, and lots of ginger, garlic and chilli would give my immune system an extra boost.

I only cooked half the amount, as my appetite isn’t great, so I’ve some left for tomorrow.

Within ten minutes my healthy meal was ready to eat, I snuggled down in front of the fire and instead of Star Wars it was Bridget Jones’s Baby for me.